Local Legends: Why Municipal Governments are The Best (and The Worst)

Local governments are the most important government agency when examining citizens’ daily lives. They are also essential to the profitability of local businesses (which is why all of you business leaders need to keep reading).

Does your business require employees? Does it need customers? Are you in need of advertising and marketing opportunities with your target demographic? Chances are, your local government plays a role in your ability to attract employees and customers and provides access to the utilities necessary to run your business. Local governments also influence the amount you pay in local taxes.

Not convinced of their importance?

Did you shower this morning? Use water to make your coffee or tea? Thank your local government.

Thrown anything in the trash in the last 24 hours? Had a road repaired after last years’ ice storm wreaked havoc on the concrete? Thank your local government.

Have your children ever played at a community playground? Ever taken your precious pooch to the local dog park? Visited a library? Called 911? Thank your local government.

In 2022, the Census Bureau counted 90,837 governments in the United States. Of these, county governments totaled 3,031 while township and municipal governments totaled 35,705. Township and municipal governments are the BEST resource citizens and businesses have in supporting day to day activities. Local governments are also the WORST at self-promotion. So before exploring the role technology plays in the functioning of these groups and why they have become a favorite target for cybercriminals, we want to highlight a few reasons why local governments are essential to the citizens and businesses they support.

  1. Proximity to the People
    • Local government agencies are closer to the citizens they serve, allowing them to better understand and respond to the specific needs and concerns of the community. This proximity facilitates more direct and efficient communication between the government and the people.
  2. Public Services and Infrastructure
    • These agencies are responsible for providing essential public services such as water supply, waste management, public safety, education, and transportation. They maintain and develop local infrastructure, including roads, parks, and public buildings, which are vital for the community’s daily functioning. Maintaining public infrastructure also benefits local businesses; clean, inviting public spaces invite residents to visit thus increasing the foot traffic many businesses rely on for profits.
  3. Local Economic (business) Development
    • Local governments play a key role in promoting economic development within their jurisdictions. They can create policies, provide incentives, and support local businesses, which helps boost the local economy, create jobs, and improve the standard of living.
  4. Community Planning and Land Use
    • Local governments are responsible for zoning and land-use planning, which determines how land within the community is used. This includes decisions about residential, commercial, and industrial development, as well as environmental protection and resource management.
  5. Crisis Management and Emergency Response
    • In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or public health emergencies, local governments are often the first responders. They coordinate emergency services, provide critical information to the public, and manage resources to help the community recover.
  6. Cultural and Social Services
    • Local government agencies often support cultural and social initiatives that enhance the quality of life in the community. This can include funding for arts and cultural programs, recreational activities, and social services that address the needs of vulnerable populations.
  7. Building Community Identity
    • Local governments help build a sense of community identity and pride by preserving local history, promoting cultural heritage, and organizing community events. This strengthens the social fabric and fosters a sense of belonging among residents.
    Local governments are intricately tied to the communities they serve and as such, are a treasure trove of private data. Their databases and their ties to utilities make them a particularly tempting target for ransomware attacks. Like many publicly funded agencies, municipal governments are continuously expected to do more with less. While federal and state agencies have entire teams of cybersecurity and IT experts monitoring their data 24/7, local governments cannot always afford the same level of protection. Even with multiple layers of protection and teams of experts, these large government agencies can still fall short. So, what is your local city manager and council supposed to do?