The true cost of IT downtime for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) goes far beyond just lost revenue. It includes direct financial losses, productivity hits, reputational damage, and even long-term business risks. Here’s a breakdown of the key factors: 1. Lost Revenue 2. Reduced Productivity 3. Recovery Costs 4. Customer Trust & Reputation Damage 5. Data Loss & Security Risks … Read More
Outsourcing IT: Why it saves you time and money… and why it sometimes fails
Who wants to save money and get better service and results?!? EVERYONE! One of the easiest ways businesses can achieve this goal is by outsourcing their IT and securing consistent, comprehensive helpdesk support and cybersecurity. Let’s examine some specific ways partnering with a managed services provider can save you time and money: Cost Savings Time Savings Sadly, outsourcing your IT … Read More
Why Small and Medium Sized Businesses Need a Managed Services Provider in 2025
Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are facing an increasingly complex IT landscape. And increasing costs. From cybersecurity threats to evolving compliance requirements and the growing reliance on cloud-based applications, managing IT in-house is becoming more challenging and costly. That’s why more SMBs are turning to Managed Services Providers (MSPs) to handle their IT needs. Here’s why an MSP is essential … Read More
Cybersecurity for CPAs – Cybersecurity Weaknesses of CPA Firms and How Cybercriminals Exploit Them
CPA firms, particularly smaller ones, often have cybersecurity weaknesses that hackers can exploit. As mentioned in our last blog, a 2022 survey by CPA Practice Advisor found that only 40% of CPA firms had a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place! The AICPA published an article stating, “Cybersecurity isn’t an option for CPAs – it’s a necessity.” In order to understand … Read More
Cybersecurity for CPAs – Why do cybercriminals attack CPA firms?
A 2022 survey by CPA Practice Advisor found that only 40% of CPA firms had a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place. Another report from 2022 (this one conducted by the AICPA) indicated that 25% of CPA firms experienced a data breach within the last two years. Cybercriminals target CPA firms because of the valuable and sensitive data they handle. Cybercriminals … Read More
Cybersecurity for CPAs – What cybersecurity features should a CPA firm leverage
A CPA firm should implement robust cybersecurity protections to safeguard sensitive client data, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and protect its reputation. Not only are there strict legal obligations to which companies must comply, there is the moral obligation CPA firms have to protect client data. Below, we have broken down key cybersecurity protections and the reasons they are … Read More
Cybersecurity for CPAs – What are the federal cybersecurity requirements for CPA firms?
There are a lot of companies offering “one-size-fits-all” cybersecurity solutions, but what do CPA firms actually need? CPA firms are subject to various federal cybersecurity laws depending on the services they provide, the types of clients they support, and the types of data they handle. The size of the firm can impact the specific portions of various laws a firm … Read More
SPECIAL EDITION BLOG POST: The Final Countdown! How to prepare for Windows 10 End of Life
It’s happening y’all! We are counting down the final months of life for Windows 10. *NOTE* This article is for anyone who uses a computer and/or relies on computers for their business to function. In short, everyone. Literally everyone needs to know if they have devices running Windows 10. Also, 10 points for anyone who knows the name of the … Read More
Timing is Everything – When to Upgrade Your Device
You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go. ~ Yogi Berra What Yogi fails to disclose in his famous quote is that if you don’t have timing, you strike out. And striking out when it comes to the technology your business relies on to operate, can be career ending! Knowing … Read More
Let’s Get Technical! How to Pick Your Next Computer
WARNING: This post contains technical computer details! In abundance. When buying a new computer for personal use or for business, it’s essential to consider specifications that match your needs and budget. As stated in our previous post, we recommend hiring an IT or cybersecurity firm to assist with massive infrastructure overhauls, but we are committed to educating leaders on as … Read More