CPA firms, particularly smaller ones, often have cybersecurity weaknesses that hackers can exploit. As mentioned in our last blog, a 2022 survey by CPA Practice Advisor found that only 40% of CPA firms had a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place! The AICPA published an article stating, “Cybersecurity isn’t an option for CPAs – it’s a necessity.” In order to understand … Read More
Cybersecurity for CPAs – Why do cybercriminals attack CPA firms?
A 2022 survey by CPA Practice Advisor found that only 40% of CPA firms had a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place. Another report from 2022 (this one conducted by the AICPA) indicated that 25% of CPA firms experienced a data breach within the last two years. Cybercriminals target CPA firms because of the valuable and sensitive data they handle. Cybercriminals … Read More