8 Cybersecurity Must Haves for Every Organization

I recently heard someone say, “Personal data is personal data, and it’s worth something to someone.” In today’s digital world, your data is your most valuable asset.  Organizations have a moral and legal obligation to protect customer data and an obligation to themselves and their employees to secure sales, marketing, and financial documents. “Cybersecurity protection” has become one of those … Read More

Local Legends: Why Municipal Governments are The Best (and The Worst)

Local governments are the most important government agency when examining citizens’ daily lives. They are also essential to the profitability of local businesses (which is why all of you business leaders need to keep reading). Does your business require employees? Does it need customers? Are you in need of advertising and marketing opportunities with your target demographic? Chances are, your … Read More

Case Study – P@s$w0rds at the U.S. Department of the Interior

Your password has expired. To change your password, press CTRL + ALT + DELETE and then click “change a password”  New Password: Password1234!  Confirm New Password: Password1234!  New Password: Password789!!  Confirm New Password: Password789!!  New Password: ThisIsStupid!@#  Confirm New Password: ThisIsStupid!@#  At this point, your head is about to explode. Do passwords really matter that much?   YES. Password strength and … Read More

Let Me Get The Door

Have you ever held the door for someone only to realize later you should have let it slam in their face? Metaphorically speaking, of course. Cybercriminals exploit “open doors” as the entry point for theirattacks and countless companies are keeping the doors WIDE OPEN. “People who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.” … Read More